Old News:
11/13/03- Benefit Show Saturday Nov 15th! Calling Shotgun, La Mi Vida Violenta and Saturn!
11/11/03- Manditory DJ Meeting Monday Nov 17th at 7PM in Lower Ely Lounge. New EXEC. BOARD POSITIONS opening up for Spring 2004. So come to the meeting wide eyed and bushy tailed! Find out which positions are available and what they are all about. Elections will be held the following week, Monday Nov 24th. So be prepared to make a small speech about how you would be the best person for the job! Good Luck!
11/02/03- Manditory DJ Meeting Tuesday Nov 4th at 7PM in Lower Ely Lounge.
New listing in the Benefits page... CLUB NIGHT! Saturday Nov 8th in Ely Third World Room. 8pm-1am. $5, $4 w/ Student ID (not just WSC ID)
9/22/03- New show Oct 4! check out the Benefits page. also a new Directions page incase you dont know how to get to wsc. more to come!
9/12/03- DJ meeting went great. Everyone is looking forward to a great year! if anyone missed the meeting, please come to the station and fill out an application.
8/27/03- HEADS UP! Exec. Board Meeting SEPT. 9th AND FIRST DJ MEETING SEPT. 10th at 7pm in the ELY Lower Lounge. Come and meet the new board!