Westfield State College
From the Mass Pike take exit 3
got through tolls
take a slight right ontoSouthamption Rd/ US- 202/ MA 10
about 1.5 miles down the road, turn right onto Franklin St/ US 20
turn left onto Lloyds Hill Rd
turn right onto Western Ave
WSC is on the right after Stanley Park
Third World Room
use the Ely Building directions
use main entrance doors
take left and go down the stairs
go left and there you are... the third world room
Ely Building
while on Western Ave
turn right onto Ely Rd
go straight until a curve in the road
pull into large parking lot next to the Ely Building
there is visitor parking
walk into main entrance of Ely
Scanlon Banquest Hall
while on western ave
turn right into the wsc entrance (brick entrance)
turn left, the large building on the right is Scanlon Hall
go through the main entrance and Scanlon Banquet Hall is directly infront of you
WSKB Station
use the Ely Building directions
go into main entrance of Ely and walk through the doors to the right
go up the stairs on the left to the top
walk to the door in the far left of the room
the station office is the first door on the right
the station is the second door on the right.